Music and Painting Live in Concert

Experiencing Unity of Classical Music & Visual Art

Manager: Javier Manzana
Territory: Worldwide


“Symphonic Synesthesia” aims to weave the harmonious strands of classical music and visual art into an all-encompassing sensory experience, exploring the intersection between auditory and visual stimuli. This project, created by the conductor Sascha Goetzel and the visionary painter Carlito Dalceggio, will see them working symbiotically together with the musicians of the orchestra, bringing to live a concert wherein the evolution of a painting is dynamically influenced by the performance of the orchestra, and viceversa.

“Symphonic Synesthesia” invites the audience on a unique exploratory adventure, uniting the auditory beauty of classical music with a concurrent visual art creation. A seamless, symbiotic journey, “Symphonic Synesthesia” ensures a fluid, undisturbed, and continuous experience from the first note to the final painting stroke.

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